Thursday, May 11, 2006

Well it has been a while since i've posted anything... I have been busy "put'n paint where it ain't"
It has almost beeen a year since i started w/ Sherwin-Williams and while i love my job, it is not going where I need to be, so i have been on a qusi (sp?) job search.

I show real promise selling insurance and financial planning packages, but at this time i am working on getting hired at OHSU (Oregon Health and Science Universtiy), it has been a real task just filling out the online forms (took me 2 days), and now I am taking a class on the computer software that they use...I was given the task of reading Ch2, Ch2a, and Appedix A...they are all about 200+ pages, and i thought bussiness law as tough, well I've got to get back to the books (or in this case CD)